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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

The Pros & Cons of Group Disability Plans

The Pros & Cons of Group Disability Plans

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), a time to raise awareness about supporting employees with disabilities and promoting inclusive workplace policies. One such policy offers group disability insurance, a valuable part of employee benefits packages. Group disability insurance provides financial protection for employees who cannot work due to illness or injury. With the growing recognition of disability insurance as a key element in...

Transferable Skills: The Path to Success

Transferable Skills: The Path to Success

In a rapidly evolving job market, sometimes it seems like the only constant is change. We’ve seen once-hot careers displaced by automation, whole industries disrupted by new technology, or job sites moving to other states — or even other countries. Not to mention a pandemic forever changing our concept of “the workplace,” introducing hybrid environments that many of us were never exposed to pre-pandemic. While...

What can I do to make life insurance more affordable?

What can I do to make life insurance more affordable?

Life insurance is a key part of any sound financial plan, offering peace of mind that your loved ones will be financially secure in the event of your death. However, many people hesitate to purchase life insurance due to concerns about cost. The good news is that there are several ways to make life insurance more affordable without sacrificing the necessary coverage. Following a few...

6 Questions (and Answers) About French Drains

6 Questions (and Answers) About French Drains

If you’re dealing with a wet basement or a soggy lawn, you might want to look into installing a French drain. While it’s not necessarily a “quick fix,” a French drain can be a smart investment to keep your home and yard dry. Here’s what to know before you dig. What are French drains? French drains are trenches that redirect surface water and groundwater in...

What to Do After Being Hacked

What to Do After Being Hacked

October is National Cyber Security Month, a time to focus on the rising threat of cyberattacks and hacking incidents. With the increasing prevalence of digital threats, businesses and individuals risk falling victim to hackers. If you discover you’ve been hacked, acting quickly to mitigate damage and secure your information is essential. This guide outlines the immediate steps to recover from a hack and prevent future...